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Prayer changes things. These aren’t just words I’ve heard in church or read in Scripture; they are the truth I’ve lived and experienced in the most profound way. There was a time when my world was shaken to its core—a time when a diagnosis of cancer brought fear, uncertainty, and pain. But it was also a time when I discovered the healing power of God through His Son, Jesus Christ, in a way that forever changed my life.

When I first received the diagnosis, I was overwhelmed. The reality of cancer is something no one is ever truly prepared for. It brings with it a tidal wave of emotions—fear of the unknown, anxiety about the future, and a deep vulnerability that is hard to put into words. But in the midst of that storm, I turned to the Lord through faith and prayer as they were both a source of strength and comfort for me.

I began to pray more earnestly than I ever had before. I wasn’t just asking for healing; I was seeking God’s presence, His peace, and His guidance. I knew that whatever the outcome, I needed to draw closer to Him, to lean on Him like never before. As I prayed, something incredible began to happen. The fear that had gripped my heart began to loosen its hold, replaced by a peace that could only come from God. I felt His presence with me, reminding me that I was not alone.

In the weeks and months that followed, I continued to pray, and others prayed for me as well. Friends, family, and even people I didn’t know personally lifted me up in prayer. This collective outpouring of faith was a powerful testament to the body of Christ coming together. Through these prayers, I experienced God’s healing touch—not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

God healed me of cancer. It’s a miracle that I want to share with others, not to boast in my own experience, but to glorify the One who holds all power in His hands. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is our healer. The same Jesus who walked the earth, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and raising the dead, is still at work today. His power has not diminished, and His love for us is as strong as ever.

Prayer is not just about asking for what we need; it’s about aligning our hearts with God’s will. It’s about trusting Him, even when the road ahead seems uncertain. When we pray, we invite God into our situation, and that’s when the miraculous happens. Healing may come in different forms—physical, emotional, spiritual—but it always comes when we open our hearts to God and trust in His goodness.

If you are facing a battle today, whether it’s illness, financial struggles, relationship issues, or any other challenge, I encourage you to turn to the Lord through prayer. Seek God with all your heart, and trust in His power to change your situation. Remember, prayer is not just about changing our circumstances; it’s about changing us. It’s about drawing closer to God, experiencing His love, and witnessing His power at work in our lives.

I am living proof that prayer changes things. God healed me of cancer, and now I want to share this message of hope and healing with you. No matter what you’re going through, know that God is with you, and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

May you find strength, peace, and healing in the power of prayer, and may you experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in your life today.

Published by brenlee

Always leaning on Jesus