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As a middle-aged woman, I have learned many valuable lessons on my journey and love sharing my experiences to help others.

God blessed me with physical healing in 2004 after I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.

It’s been a while so I give all the praise and glory to Him for my healing – not only my body but my heart too.

The Lord has used me in many ways since then to minister and write what He’s done to encourage others.

Its been a long journey but through it all, I have grown closer to the Lord.

Serving Him has been fulfilling and completely rewarding. 

However, before I gave my life to the Lord I was dominated by sin and satan was on the warpath in destroying my family.

Unfortunately, my husband passed away from brain cancer in 1999 leaving me devasted.

Having 3 children between the ages of 7 to 12 completely broke my heart knowing they would never see their father again destroyed me, to say the least. 


Needless to say, grieving set in after his passing, and the pain was unbearable. however, the kids and I lived life the best we could with the help of family and amazing friends along the way. 

I always felt the Lord tugging on my heart to completely turn to Him but I never did.

I just continued to live in my grief and wear down my body until about 5 years later when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and whoa did that change things.


That’s when I gave my full attention to the Lord and asked Him for healing. 

A short time later, after the first chemo treatment, I lay on my bed praying and thinking how much I loved my kids and never wanted them to go through such a terrible illness.

When all the sudden deep in my spirit I felt the Lord saying to me “That’s how much I love you”

I felt a warmness come over my body from my head to my toes and knew something had just happened.

That something was the Lord healing my body! wow, how great is our God!

That moment was indescribable! That’s why I will testify that God still heals today.

My personal experience with the Lord and walking with Him now – many years later has been amazing. I wouldn’t change anything as far as living for Him. My only regret was that I wished I had lived for him much sooner.  

If you or you or someone you know needs a touch from the Lord, I encourage you to continuously seek the Lord and His guidance regarding your/their circumstances. It’s important to renew your mind by reading the word as it’s healing in so many ways.  Got Questions is a great explanation site on this matter.       

Click here for books on healing.

I have a few Journals and KDP books available online; Bible Study Notebooks and Organizers to support the Christian Community – Check them out here. They make good gifts for friends and family. I pray they bless you.  

In conclusion, having a daily devotional practice is good because it provides spiritual nourishment, focus, communion with God, growth, encouragement, inspiration, and cultivates discipline. It is an invaluable tool for deepening your relationship with God and living a life rooted in faith.

I recommend this one Thou art healed and whole; a 90-day devotional journey.  




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Published by brenlee

Always leaning on Jesus