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In this Sermon on contending for the faith, I share my journey with the passion of pointing2jesus; whether it be through online sharing or even personal contact. Knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior is the utmost important thing we need because where we spend eternity matters.

My mission is to encourage Christians not only regarding healing but also to contend for the faith, whereas in the book of Jude, He encouraged the same. Amen!

Jude was the half-brother of the Lord Jesus Christ as well as a servant. The Holy Spirit presented through Jude; is that God does not want to lose people He has called to be his own through false doctrine.

Because Of false Teachers, Jude felt it necessary to warn people immediately to contend for the faith; which refers to the fact that the saints must defend the Doctrines of Christianity with intense effort.

Jude put them back into remembrance of the Gospel they once knew to warn against false teachers that spoke evil and walked in their own lust.

We also see in Psalms 31:6 David writing “I have hated them who regard lying vanities: but I trust in the LORD” (the “lying vanities” spoken of here refer to idols that Israel had worshipped in centuries past, which caused her so many troubles and, as well, the “idols” of ritualistic religion of the present time).

Source Jimmy Swaggart. The Expositor’s Study Bible. Kindle Edition.

Today, we see the same false doctrines running ramped through the Churches. My friend, please test the spirits as the Bible instructs us to do in 1 John 4:1.

1 John 4:1

Beloved, believe not every spirit (behind every doctrine there is a “spirit”; if it’s true Doctrine, the Holy Spirit; if it’s false doctrine, evil spirits), but try the spirits whether they are of God (the criteria is, “is it Scriptural?”): because many false prophets are gone out into the world (and they continue unto this hour).

Source: Jimmy Swaggart, The Expositor’s Study Bible

I recommend the study Bible Below to understand what the Prophet Jude wrote that is applicable to us today. It’s the best commentary Bible available on the market and I know you will be blessed by it.

May this concise yet impactful sermon on contending for the faith be a source of blessing to you. As believers in Christ, it is our responsibility to offer encouragement and support to one another through the teachings of God’s Word. Therefore, my heartfelt prayer for you today is that you would diligently seek the Lord, asking Him for wisdom and understanding as you continue your journey with unwavering faith. May His presence guide and strengthen you every step of the way.

Blessings of the Lord for Christians

What the Lord has done for me and many others has me standing in awe of His Grace and Glory. From complete brokenness to healing and restoration is only because of Jesus!

So, now I want to share Him with everyone else in every way possible. Hence the beginning of Hurt2healings and Jude Gear an online Store and affiliate store where we are Pointing2jesus to support the Christian community with Bibles, Journals, T-shirts, Hats, and more in sharing the faith.

Let’s help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and always be Pointing2jesus.

The Anointing is always pointing2jesus

If you are searching for a ministry that you can grow with I highly recommend Son Life Broadcasting Network. The worship music is anointed and trust me I don’t say that lightly. God’s anointing is on them without a doubt.

There are times when I am watching a live service on TV or even a re-run (because I live in a different state) and can’t help but just stop and weep in worship because the spirit of the Lord is so strong.

And that, my friend, is an experience that beats everything else! It draws me closer and closer to the Lord therefore if you are seeking a Church or a program to learn from I promise this is it.

Contend for the Faith

Conclusion: Contending for the faith is not about hostility or self-righteousness; it is about standing firm in our convictions with love, humility, and intellectual rigor. By knowing our foundation, growing intellectually, cultivating a spirit of love, being a light in our actions, and seeking unity, we can effectively contend for faith in a changing world.

Let us be encouraged to embrace the challenge, knowing that our faith is worth contending for. May we hold fast to the truth, engage with love, and lead others to the transformative power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Together, let us be steadfast in contending for the faith and making an impact in the world around us.

Published by brenlee

Always leaning on Jesus