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Dear friend, I want you to know that you are deeply loved by God. His love for you is agape love which means unconditional, unwavering, and immeasurable. No matter what you’re going through, He is always there, holding you in His arms and wanting the best for you.

God’s agape love is a love that is unparalleled and incomparable to any other form of love known to humanity. It is a divine, selfless, and unconditional love that emanates from the very nature and character of God Himself.

God’s desire is for your healing, both physically and in every aspect of your life even financially. He sees your pain, your struggles, and your challenges, and He longs to bring you comfort, restoration, and wholeness. Trust in His perfect timing and His infinite wisdom, for He knows what is best for you.


Remember that healing can come in many forms. It may be physical healing, where God works miracles and brings restoration to your body. It can also be emotional healing, where He brings comfort to your heart, peace to your mind, and healing to your soul. Allow Him to work in and through you, guiding you towards the path of healing and renewal.

In moments of doubt or discouragement, hold onto the promises of God. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). He promises to be your strength when you are weak (2 Corinthians 12:9). He promises to give you peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). His love and faithfulness endure forever (Psalm 136:26).


You are not alone on this journey. Seek support from a community of believers who can walk alongside you, pray with you, and offer encouragement. Surround yourself with positive influences, uplifting worship, and the Word of God, which is a balm for the weary soul.

I recommend this amazing book called “Prayers and Promises” for Healing which encourages you to stand on the promises of God in your quest for healing.

As you navigate the path to healing, trust in God’s perfect plan for your life. He sees the bigger picture, and His love for you is unchanging. Open your heart to His healing touch, surrendering your pain and burdens to Him. His love has the power to bring about miracles and transform your life.

May you find comfort in the assurance that God loves you deeply and wants you to experience His healing touch. Embrace His love, believe in His promises, and hold onto hope, for He is the ultimate source of healing, restoration, and everlasting love.


My cancer journey was a chapter of my life that I never expected to write, but it became a testimony of God’s faithfulness and love. In the face of uncertainty and pain, I witnessed the power of prayer, encountered God’s presence, and experienced His healing touch.

I share my story not to boast of my own strength, but to give glory to God and to offer hope to those who may be walking a similar path. No matter the circumstances, God’s love and healing are available to all who seek Him. In the depths of our trials, His light shines brightest, guiding us towards hope, restoration, and a deeper relationship with Him.

May my testimony serve as a reminder that even in the darkest moments, God’s love and healing are present. He is the source of strength, the ultimate healer, and the one who turns our pain into purpose. Trust in Him, hold onto hope, and let your own testimony be a beacon of light for others who may be in need of encouragement and faith.

Published by brenlee

Always leaning on Jesus