Hi, I’m Brenda Hinton. I am a blogger and Digital Content Creator where I share my cancer-surviving testimony and inspirational verses to lean on through the good times and the not-so-good times. My desire is to encourage you by sharing how I found my healing in Jesus and pray you do too.   

I’m a middle-aged mother of 3 children and 7 grandchildren. Pictured below are my 3 children and the first 5 grandkids.  Love them all and the bottom 2 pictures are with the 2 newest grandbabies. 

Healing in Jesus

As I went from hurt to healing, I prefer to say “healings” because the Lord not only healed me of cancer, but He also healed me from a broken heart, smoking, drinking regularly, and gave me peace. Hence the “Healings” part because He healed my whole being. Praise the Lord!

There are many resources available regarding healing in the Lord and encouragement, however, I stand firm on reading the Bible first and foremost. I promise the Bible never fails us by seeking Him first.

The one I recommend is the King James Expositors Bible. I purchased this one and learned more in a year than I did my whole life.

Matthew 6:33

But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

That verse says it all and is why I stand firm on reading the Bible and seeking the Lord above all else. 

I believe my persistence in seeking Him is why I have a “cancer-surviving testimony” The Lord has given me a tremendous testimony to bless others and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I know many of you desire the same so let’s do it. Amen!   

In supporting the Christian community please visit my store here to share your faith through T-shirts and Hats.

Healing in Jesus
Healing in Jesus
Healing in Jesus
Healing in Jesus

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May my testimony and the scriptures provided on my site provide solace, encouragement, and a renewed sense of hope for your soul. Remember, you are never alone, for God’s love and grace are always with you. Take comfort in His promises, lean on His strength, and find peace in His presence. Let His words guide you through the darkest valleys and uplift your spirit, knowing that He is faithful and will see you through every season of life.